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Central Park Baseball Teams

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Will Walsh and Thomas Neumann played for the Central Park baseball team in the late 1800's. Later in 1930's Central Park team included Leo Niemczyk Sr., "Pip" Mirando, Patrick Looney, L. McGunnigal, Fred Kramer. The Rozzi brothers played for the opposing team, The Red Devils. On the Bethpage Cubs Baseball team were: Pat Ficardi, Mgr. Charles Tallman, Joseph Donolli, Joseph Schiavetta, Leo Schiavetta, Al Walsh and Ronald Cereoli. (Bethpage History by Rosalie Walsh Niemczyk - BETHPAGE TRIBUNE 12/10/81)

The following information was sent to The Central Park Historical Society by Antonio Mancuso in September 1999

1926/1932 the Central Park Baseball Teams players were: Fred Bonecamp - outfield, Fred Kramer - 3rd base, James Agiesta - outfiled, Mike Curcio - 2nd base, George Wardell - short stop, Paul Miller - 1st base (hit home runs over the railroad tracks, he bated lefty), Pat Looney - short stop and pitcher, Fred Rozzi - pitcher & 1st base, Larry McGunnigal - pitcher & 1st base, Pete Curcio - catcher, Dominick Greco - 3rd base, Leo Niemczyk - catcher Tony Niemczyk - catcher, (three other I forgot their names, a catcher was from the brick yard).

In 1931 I gathered all the teenagers at our end of the town and we practiced a number of times a week. Three other men followed suite in other parts of Central Park and we had four junior teams in town that played each other. Come September we had a "World Series", and my team was the winner. The 1932 baseball season started and I challenged the town team into an exhibition game and my team out played the town team and won the game. We became the town team and I managed the team for two years and we won 75% of the games. Then I turned the team over to Fred Rozzi as manager.

The Red Devils Baseball Team: Dominick Rozzi - out field, Charlie Rozzi - pitcher and 1st base, Tom Rozzi - short stop, Fred Rozzi - right field, Pip Mirando - catcher, Clem Joie - catcher, Dom Sabbatello - catcher, Chappy Marando - 3rd base, Rocko Mignone - right field, Goodie Bernard - 2nd base, Mike Curcio - 2nd base, James Agiesta - left field, Tony Mancuso - right field and manager, Frank Curcio - pitcher and right field, Dominick Agiesta - right field, Dominick Greco - 3rd base, Tom Morselli - catcher, Rocky from Rockville Centre - 3rd base, John Mancuso - treasurer, Joe Mancuso - mascot, Pete Curcio - umpire. Players on the other team: Westby - pitcher, Joe Donolli - short stop (Western Bears), Leo Schiavetta - catcher, Johnny Cramer - pitcher, Charlie Tallman - pitcher & manager, Joe Schiavetta - left field. (Tom Morselli was the only player to drive 2 home runs over the roof of the Roosevelt Republican Club House from home plate.)

Information from the CPHS NEWSLETTER, September 1999

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