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Democratic Club

From Central Park Historical Society Encyclopedia

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The Central Park Democratic Club was formulated in 1914. On March 2, 1932, the club met and was presented a bank book with a balance of $20.00 from Richard Winters, Sr. The sum represents a balance belonging to the Democratic Club that existed about 18 years ago. Mr. Winters was treasurer of that organization. About 70 members attended the meeting. The local committeemen reported that they had been successful in having the TOB hire all married men in Central Park on relief work. Dances and entertainments are planned and profits derived will be used in employing single men one day a month in the village. Principal speakers were James Amendola, Joseph Ellinger and Albert Guerin. Information from the "Bethpage Tribune" June 10, 1982 - Bethpage History by Rosalie Walsh Niemczyk

  • This page was last modified on 18 January 2014, at 02:44.
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