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Recollections of Evelyn Auer.

As a child when asked where I lived, I answered "McCordville". I doubt that anyone now living in this area (bounded by Central Avenue (S), N. Robert Damm Street (E), Harrison Avenue (N), and Hicksville Road (W) remembers it was once called "McCordville". A builder named "McCord" built several houses in this area, probably the first "development". These houses were all alike but looked different because some had two upstairs rooms facing front while others faced the side. Several are still standing but could never be recognized as originals.

This area is cut off from the rest of the village and the only outlet is either Central Avenue or Hicksville Road. I remember there was an iron fire ring on the corner of Peach Street (which was referred to as the "Main Road"). In case of fire this ring had to be banged loud and long until the volunteers on Stewart Avenue came.

At the east end of Harrison Avenue was a path thru the woods, leading to Lafayette Avenue. It was along this crooked path that all of us children had to walk to reach Powell Avenue School. There were two small stores in this area, Stumpels on the corner of Harrison & Robert Damm, and Kohlers or Webers on Central Avenue and Wilford Street. (This building still stands.)

  • This page was last modified on 4 November 2013, at 23:51.
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