Miracolo, Andrew Scott
From Central Park Historical Society Encyclopedia
Andrew was a 16 year old student at Bethpage High School when he was killed suddenly in an accident the summer of 1994. Mrs. Mary Miracolo was proud to give $10,000.00 to the Bethpage School to be used for future scholorships in her son's memory. A large group of friends, spearheaded by Mrs. Miracolo and the members of the Bethpage Hockey Team, collected these funds in a variety of fundraising activities during the past year. Each year a$1,000.00 scholarship will be awarded to a student who has been a member of the hockey team for three years and exhibited the qualities of a team player. He must also be someone who best exemplifies the qualities that Andrew displayed in his short life.
Information from the BETHPAGE TRIBUNE - June 2 -8, 1995
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