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Gavin, Joseph

From Central Park Historical Society Encyclopedia

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Below information from NEWSDAY, November 3, 2010

Joe Gavin, a retired president of the former Grumman Corp., died Sunday at the age of 90. He was one of America's space pioneers, heading Grumman's efforts to build the lunar lander spacecraft that took astronauts to the moon during NASA'S Apollo program in the 1960s and early '70s.

Weyman "Sandy" Jones sent his remembrance of Joe Gavin to NEWSDAY. "He was a rare combination of a specialist who could focus like a laser on a technical problem but who also had eclectic interests that included world affairs, local and U.S. politics and foreign cultures. No matter how hot the crisis his civility never failed, and he never compromised a principle. His New England reserve masked a rich sense of humor and a sensitive appreciation for others' feelings. During my 37 years in business I had many bosses, but Joe was the best."

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